
UX/UI Designer


UX Design

Website Design

Digital Design


Yovo, a leading brand in the vaping industry, needs a product website redesign for optimizing user engagement, streamline navigation, and ultimately elevate the overall digital experience for visitors. I applied user centric design by focusing on discovering pain points from users and applying actionable features.


Improving Website Information Accessibility

Yovo website's current design and navigation structure are causing significant difficulties for users in locating the information they need. This inefficiency not only frustrates users but also results in a substantial increase in customer service inquiries, placing a heavy workload on our staff.

How might we ensure users can easily and quickly find the information they are looking for, thereby reducing the reliance on customer service?


Design features to meet different user needs

The redesigned UI for the Yovo product website represents a fresh, youthful, and intuitive aesthetic. In crafting this new interface, I conducted user interviews and testing to gain insights into user needs and identify pain points to address specific user requirements. Notable enhancements include expanded information on product flavors, an integrated locator feature, and an issue reporting form. This helped the Yovo customer team handle issues more quickly and be more responsive to user needs.


Research, Test, Design

I started user research by checking quantitative inbox comments, offering a broader understanding of user feedback. Through user interviews and field user testing, I delved into the qualitative aspects of user needs and preferences.

Then I developed personas to represent user archetypes based on findings above, guiding my design decisions. To streamline the user experience, I developed user flows, mapping out intuitive navigation.

Finally, I started wireframing and prototyping through Figma to visualize the end-to-end user experience, pinpointing crucial touchpoints, and refining the design for optimal user engagement.

User Research

Core user needs

I reviewed all the contact form, sorting and organizing the various topics and issues mentioned. The majority of customer requests pertain to reporting issues related to the products they purchased, with the second-most common being inquiries about the purchase location. On the merchandise side, there is a lack of timely updates on our product information, leading potential store owners to seek more detailed information about our products.

Feature Prioritization

After understanding what our users are looking for, I began listing all the possible features we could add to the current platform. I then collaborated with our product team to allocate resources effectively. Focusing on MVPs allows for quicker releases and iterative improvements, enabling the product to reach users faster and gather feedback for further enhancements.

Design A Solution

Redesign website features based on user needs

In design phase, I created mid-fi to outline the new information architecture and user flow. I conducted usability testing on prototypes to gather early feedback and identify potential issues before finalizing the design.

Design Outcome

Elevates user engagement

Post-redesign, Yovo Vape experienced a 26% increase in organic traffic in 30 days, indicating improved search engine visibility and user engagement.

Enhence employee workflow processes

After redirecting users to more specific tasks, the "clicks to contact rate" saw a notable 73% reduction, showcasing the effectiveness of the redesigned user interface in guiding users towards desired actions and reducing the time spent for our customer service team.